Farmers are expecting a bumper crop of sunflowers as the weather has been favorable so far. Farmers are encouraged to cultivate sunflower as it is more accessible and production cost is lower than other oil crops.

The farmers in Bangladesh's Khulna area are hoping to grow sunflowers for financial gain. If the weather cooperates, they are hoping to make a sufficient profit this year. The salinity of the shore has also improved for sunflower growing. Most houses have a yard that is adorned with yellow sunflowers.

Sunflower oil will, on the one hand, make up for the lack of edible oil from soybeans and mustard. However, it appeals to ordinary people's senses and those who like the outdoors.

The districts of Khulna, Narail, Satkhira, and Bagerhat are included in the Agriculture Extension Department's Khulna area.
According to Mohan Kumar Ghosh, Additional Director of the Khulna Region's Agriculture Extension Department, 2,895 hectares of land were farmed there during the previous growing season.

A total of 3,146 hectares of land have been farmed this season. Among these, cultivation has taken place on 1855 hectares in the district of Khulna, 1048 hectares in Bagerhat, 138 hectares in Satkhira, and 105 hectares in Narail.

More acreage may have been used for sunflower farming if there hadn't been any rain at the start of the season.

He claimed that the Directorate of Agricultural Extension has provided incentives such as fertilizer and seeds to get regular farmers to grow sunflowers.

Visiting the fields where sunflowers are grown in various locations reveals that the yellow blooms of the sunflowers are a sight to behold.

The sweet aroma of golden blossoms fills the air, as bees are merrily hopping from bloom to flower. It's a lovely garden, not a farmland. Witnessing such a captivating spectacle would move the hearts of nature lovers everywhere.

However, growing sunflowers is done for many reasons other than just amusement. Its primary purpose in cultivation is to produce edible oil, which will help feed the world. The upazila's fields are currently ablaze with sunflowers.

Farmers are expecting a bumper crop of sunflowers as the weather has been favorable so far. Farmers are encouraged to cultivate sunflower as it is more accessible and production cost is lower than other oil crops.

Farmer Shivpad Mondal from Paikgacha Upazila in Khulna stated, "I have cultivated sunflower flowers for the first time on two bigha land with the help of the Agriculture Office." I'm not having any problems with my sunflowers. The majority of plants have big blossoms.

Sunflowers have been planted around the pond in front of the Charukala Central Mosque, in front of the VC home, and behind the third academic building of Khulna University.

Nature enthusiasts are drawn to the sunflower's grin hidden beneath the verdant foliage. While some people are taking selfies, others are standing near sunflowers and snapping photos. People from all around the world visit the campus every day to take in this natural beauty.

The university gardener. According to Babul Sheikh, there has been a lot of sunflower farming on campus. The university's VC, sir, handed us sunflower seeds.

A farmer from Nalkura village in Sadar Upazila of Satkhira named Oliur Rahman said that he has been growing sunflowers of the Hysan kind on one bigha of land throughout the current rabi season. Most of the trees now have flowers on them. The previous season, he farmed sunflowers on the same plot of land and made 18,000 taka.

From the agricultural office, I am producing sunflowers, said farmer Nuruzzaman of Tala Upazila in Satkhira. A lot of big blooms are captured. Families frequently bring their children to view the sunflowers and snap photographs of them.

According to various upazila agriculture office sources, sunflower oil will fill the shortage of soybean and mustard edible oil. Hysan, F-1 variety of sunflower has been cultivated. Cultivation of sunflower flowers yields oil, oil and fuel from the flowers.

About half a liter of oil can be produced per kg of seeds. 7 to 10 maunds of seed are produced per bigha of land. Oil production will range from 140 liters to 200 liters per bigha. The minimum market price of oil per liter is Tk 250. It costs 4 to 5 thousand rupees per bigha of land.

Koira Upazila Agriculture Officer. Abdullah Al Mamun said, sunflower salt is fine. There is potential to benefit from growing sunflowers in salinity on the coast. 1,700 farmers have been given 1 kg seeds and fertilizers to encourage sunflower cultivation. 220 hectares of land has been planted in Koira upazila this year.

Paikgacha upazila agriculture officer agriculturist Asim Kumar Dash said that sunflower cultivation has been good in this coastal upazila. Sunflower oil has more nutritional value. The position of sunflower oil is after olive oil. This oil is more beneficial and healthy than other oils for diabetes and heart patients.


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