The Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited the Rohingya camp in Ukhiya of Cox's Bazar Bangladesh.

A delegation of six members led by committee Chairman AK Abdul Momen arrived at Ukhiya Camp at 10 am on Sunday 12 May. 

The committee spent three hours at the camp and observed the situations there, engaged in conversations with the Rohingya residents, and visited various programmes.

Chairman of the committee AK Abdul Momen said this visit was mainly to get a comprehensive understanding of the camp's situation.
Based on the findings of the discussion, recommendations will be made to resolve the crisis.
At 10: am, representatives of the committee arrived at the 4th extension of the camp to oversee the distribution of rations to Rohingya refugees and to inquire about the intricacies of the situation. 
Afterwards, the committee members proceeded to Camp 5, where they engaged in discussions with over 50 Rohingya representatives, seeking solutions to existing crisis. 

The delegation then visited the Child Education Programme Centre and Ghomdhom Transit Centre. 
Later, a meeting was held at the Kutupalong camp.

The delegation comprises committee members Shaimum Sarwar Kamal, Nurul Islam Nahid, Nahim Razzaq, Habibur Rahman, and Zara Jabin Mahbub.

Member of Parliament (Whip) Shaimum Sarwar Kamal Claimed there was a long discussion with the Rohingyas during the visit. 
Rohingyas have sought the cooperation of Bangladesh and the international community to facilitate their return to their homeland," he added. 

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud is currently in Cox's Bazar on a visit. 
In the evening, he will attend a meeting at the office of the Commissioner for Refugee Relief and Repatriation with relevant stakeholders, where members of the relevant parliamentary standing committee on the foreign ministry will be present.