The abductors have released 4 of the 5 farmers who were abducted two days ago while guarding the farm in Teknaf hills of Cox's Bazar. However, the abductors are still holding one Mohammad Noor (16) hostage. His family said that they are demanding 5 lakh Taka as his ransom.

Five farmers are missing in Teknaf

On Sunday (March 24) around 12:30 pm, the 4 people were released Nhila area of ​​Hnila Union inTeknaf Cox's Bazar Bangladesh.
Four people who returned with the ransom were Mohammed Rafiq, Abdur Rahman, Mohammed Jihan and Mohammed Shamim.Their family said that these 4 people were released with a ransom of 1 lakh 20 thousand taka.

Teknaf police station's team rescued 4 people who returned after receiving the news.
Rashed Mohamud Ali, chairman of Hnila Union Parishad, confirmed the matter to Voice7 News.

Video: Five farmer kidnapped in Teknaf

He said that 4 out of 5 farmers have returned with the ransom. Mohammad Noor has not returned yet. When the abductors let go, the police rescued them and took them to the police station.

Teknaf Model Police Station Office In-charge (OC) Mohammed Osman Gani told Voice7News that four victims were rescued after conducting an operation on the western hills of the Rohingya camp. However, if the kidnapped family gives money to someone for ransom, they will know.
From March 2023 to March 2024, 103 cases of abduction occurred in Teknaf hills. 52 locals and 51 Rohingyas were abducted.

Students kidnapped in Teknaf: Miscreants demanded a ransom of Tk20 lakh

It should be noted that on March 9th, miscreants abducted Suwad Bin Abdullah, a student in the first grade of Madrasah, from East Pankhali area of ​​Hnila. The law and order forces have not yet been able to rescue the child Suwad.


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