Cox's Bazar's Maheshkhali Upazila is seeing a rise in child labor. Children are getting involved in risky professions. Kids under 14 are seen driving rickshaws, working in tea stalls, or breaking stones in quarries. Many work as helpers in various vehicles or shops.

Many of them were involved in education a few months ago, but due to family financial constraints and the cost of education, they have been forced to choose risky professions at this young age. The time they could spend in school or on the playground is now spent driving rickshaws, cleaning tea stall plates, or pedaling vans.

We talked to Riad, a child laborer at a tea stall. Last year, he also attended a government primary school in Uttar Nalbila. He used to dream of joining the army while studying with his classmates. But poverty shattered his dreams. Now, from 6 in the morning until midnight, he spends his time working at the tea stall.

Abdur Rahim's dream of becoming a pilot by driving a rickshaw has now been shattered. After his father's death, the burden of the family fell on 12-year-old Rahim. Dropping out of education, he now runs a rickshaw to sustain his family. Abdur Rahim says that he once dreamt of becoming a pilot through education. But being born into a poor family and losing his father, he no longer has that dream.

Talking to some families of these child laborers, it is found that poverty is the main reason for their involvement in child labor.

According to UNICEF, Bangladesh ranks 15th globally in terms of the impact of climate change on children. In the coastal areas, a significant number of children are being deprived of education due to poverty.

Experts believe that preventing climate change is not possible, but collective efforts can reduce the damage. Due to urbanization in coastal areas, child labor is increasing. Alongside child labor, juvenile delinquency is also on the rise. Local efforts are needed to prevent this, and international organizations need to be sincere about child labor issues.

According to information, there are more than 20 NGOs working in Maheshkhali. However, NGOs specifically working to prevent child labor or work with exploited children are hardly seen.

There is no accurate information available in the relevant departments of Maheshkhali Upazila about the extent to which children are involved in child labor.


