Dhaka, Mar 05 (V7N) –Police called upon all not to post any sensitive thing like robberies on social media without proper verification.
The Dhaka District Police in a statement tonight made the appeal following a post of a fake dacoity on social media in South Keraniganj.
The statement said a Facebook status from an account with the profile name 'Mdsulaiman Mridha' and the Facebook page link https:/www.facebook.com/mdsulaiman. mridha.3 has come to the notice of the police.
The post claimed that a robbery had taken place at a house in the South Keraniganj area, which was found fake in the police investigation.
To verify the accuracy of the incident, Additional Superintendent of Police Jahangir Alam (BP-8814166281), Keraniganj Circle, Dhaka, visited the scene.
During the inspection, it was learnt from local people that the owner of the house shouted "robber, robber" between 01.30-02.00 am on Monday night and called over national emergency number 999.
Later, in front of the people, the owner of the house opened the collapsible gate and it was found that everything in the room was fine and no robbery had taken place.
"The situation that arose was humorous. A call has been made for posting on the social media/mass media about sensitive incidents like robberies after fact-checking," the statement said.