On Thursday, a new government consisting of 25 ministers and 11 state ministers will take office and govern the nation for the next five years.

State administration is one of the duties of cabinet members, but they also enjoy a number of benefits.

According to the Ministers, Ministers of State, and Deputy Ministers (Remuneration and Privileges) Act, individuals holding the titles of minister, state minister, or deputy minister are entitled to a minimum of thirteen benefits, including housing, cars, and health insurance.

The benefits that cabinet members receive are as follows:

Salary: The monthly salary for members of parliament serving as ministers is Tk1.05 lakh, for state ministers it is Tk92,000, and for deputy ministers it is Tk86,500.

Rent: If ministers, state ministers, and deputy ministers want to live in their own or rented homes, they are eligible to receive monthly rent payments in addition to a fully equipped government apartment. State and deputy ministers are entitled to Tk70,000 in rent, whereas ministers are entitled to Tk80,000.

Utilities and home décor: State ministers and deputy ministers receive Tk4 lakh per year, while ministers receive Tk5 lakh. The government pays for the full cost of telephone, gas, electricity, and water services in their homes.

Vehicle: All cabinet members receive government-funded automobiles. In addition, they might choose to use a jeep that is assigned to any department or agency within their ministry for official purposes, especially while they are traveling to their individual constituencies. The amount reimbursed for fuel is equal to eighteen liters of fuel oil every day.

Medical coverage: Provided that the required documentation, in the form of expenditure vouchers, is submitted to the Cabinet Division, members of the Cabinet are eligible for "unlimited" medical treatment.

Allowance for hosting: Upon taking office, cabinet ministers receive a wide range of visitors, including both domestic and foreign visitors as well as constituents with different demands. Members of the cabinet are entitled to a monthly hosting stipend of Tk10,000. Deputy ministers receive Tk5,000, while state ministers receive Tk7,500.

Travel allowance: A Tk8 lakh yearly air travel allowance is given to each minister, state minister, and deputy minister. When traveling by train, a minister has the option to request a first-class compartment with two or four berths, or a government-funded reserved railway saloon. The best class of train accommodations is also available to state ministers and deputy ministers.

Additionally, when traveling outside of Bangladesh on official business, ministers, state ministers, and deputy ministers are entitled to reimbursements in accordance with the government.

Support staff: A private secretary (PS) with the status of deputy secretary may be appointed by ministers or state ministers. In addition, they get a cook, two personal officers, a foreman, an attendant, two office assistants, and an assistant private secretary. Although there are some noteworthy variances, state ministers and deputy ministers have similar support staff arrangements.

Funds for area development: State ministers and deputy ministers receive Tk7.5 lakh and Tk5 lakh, respectively, while ministers receive Tk10 lakh annually for the building of mosques, temples, and charitable endeavors in their respective districts. This fund is not subject to an audit.

News & information Sources: Online.