For the third time, the government will extend the registration deadline, enabling pilgrims from Bangladesh to complete the Hajj this year.

All Muslims are obligated, if they are financially and physically capable, to perform the Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, at least once in their lifetime. The pilgrims describe it as a powerful spiritual encounter that cleanses them of sins, draws them nearer to God, and emphasizes Muslim unity.

Devout Muslims spend Zilhazz 7–12 at Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah. Many pilgrims report having issues with their tent, food, and transportation, among other things. The issues have been brought to Riyadh's attention by the Hajj Agencies Association of Bangladesh (HAAB).

Bangladesh has 127,198 pilgrims in its authorized quota for the yearly event. Of them, 11,7,000 under private care and 10,198 under government management are able to complete the Hajj.

However, just 36,689 individuals have registered as of yet, leaving 90,764 seats unfilled.

This time, the special bundle will cost Tk 936,320, and the standard package will cost Tk 578,840. Depending on if the moon is visible, the Hajj will be done in the middle of June.

The religious affairs ministry's officials predict that the registration deadline will be extended in two stages by a total of one month.