Dhaka, Feb 21 (V7N) – While the prices of seasonal vegetables remain stable, a sharp rise in fish and meat prices has created concern among consumers. The rice market, though steady, continues to hold at previously high price levels.
A visit to several markets in the capital on Friday revealed that fish prices have increased by 50 to 100 taka per kg, with river fish seeing an even steeper rise. Large-sized rui and katla are now priced at Tk 450 per kg, while shrimp varieties cost Tk 1,000 to 1,200 per kg. Medium-sized aider and boal have surged past Tk 2,000 per kg.
Meat Prices Remain High
Following the price hike during Shab-e-Barat, the cost of beef and pork remains elevated. Currently, pork is being sold at Tk 1,200 per kg, while beef prices range between Tk 750 and Tk 800 per kg.
The poultry market is also witnessing a continued price surge. Broiler chicken is now priced at Tk 220 per kg, while local chicken costs between Tk 600 and Tk 650 per kg, marking a Tk 40 per kg increase. The golden variety is unavailable for less than Tk 320 per kg.
Rice Market Holds Steady at High Prices
The prices of premium Miniket and Nazirshail rice remain unchanged at their previously high rates. Coarse rice is selling for Tk 50 to Tk 52 per kg.
Despite recent rice imports from India, traders claim that the market has not been affected as the imported rice could not be sourced at a competitive price.
With the ongoing surge in protein prices, consumers are feeling the pressure on their household budgets, while traders attribute the increase to supply chain disruptions and rising production costs.