A recent survey of various kitchen markets in Dhaka reveals a mixed trend in food prices as Eid approaches. While the prices of meat and fish have seen a slight increase, vegetables, onions, and fruits have experienced a decrease in prices.

The decline in prices of vegetables, onions, and fruits, including local seasonal varieties like watermelon and pineapple, can be attributed to reduced demand as holidaymakers leave the capital.

Conversely, the prices of beef, chicken, and fish have witnessed a slight uptick. Wholesalers and retailers attribute this increase to rising demand ahead of Eid, particularly for meat items, and a reduction in fish supply in the market.

Abu Bakar, a butcher at Karwan Bazar, highlighted that while government officials' visits have prevented sudden price hikes, the profit margins for meat traders have diminished due to a slight reduction in cattle supply compared to last Eid.

Outside Karwan Bazar, beef prices ranged from Tk750 to 800 per kg, with a rise of Tk30 per kg compared to other days of the week. Similarly, mutton and goat meat prices ranged from Tk1000 to 1180 per kg, marking an increase of Tk50 per kg.

Vegetable prices saw a decrease overall, with new vegetables like okra and bitter gourd maintaining stable prices. However, the prices of tomatoes have increased as the season draws to a close.

Onion prices ranged from Tk30 to 60 per kg, while garlic and ginger were priced between Tk180 to 250 and Tk200 to 280 per kg, respectively.

Egg prices experienced a slight decrease, with brown eggs selling at Tk130 per dozen and duck eggs at Tk70 per hali (four pieces).

The prices of fruits varied, with watermelon seeing a drastic fall in price to Tk40 per kg, while guava, papaya, and other fruits maintained relatively stable prices.

Overall, while some food items have witnessed fluctuations in prices, others have remained unchanged, contributing to a mixed trend in food prices ahead of Eid.