Police recovered a human leg from a drain in the Dingadoba Nimtala area of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police's Rajpara Thana.
On Sunday (May 26) at 10 am, police recovered a leg from the drain near the Dingadoba Nimtala crossing.
Eyewitnesses reported seeing a leg submerged in a drain in the Dingadoba Nimtala crossing area. Upon receiving the information from locals, the police went to the drain and retrieved the severed leg. The leg was found to be severed with a blade made of polythene.
Confirming the recovery of the leg, Rajpara Thana's Officer-in-Charge (OC) Rafiqul Haque stated, "Locals reported seeing a severed leg. We sent a team and recovered it from the location. It appears fresh, and it seems it was severed either yesterday or the day before."
He further mentioned, "Initially, we suspect the leg was surgically amputated. It was dumped in the Dingadoba area. An investigation will determine whose leg it is and where it came from. The leg has been sent to the forensic department in Rangpur for further examination."