Faridul Alam, Staff Correspondent

A tourist and a local teenager were kidnapped this afternoon, May 24, in the Teknaf Cox's Bazar Hill area of Baharchara Union. The abductees are Mohammed Ridwan (22), son of Md. Mostak Ahmed, a resident of Satkania area in Chattagram, and Ridwan (18), son of the late Abdul Malek, a resident of Baharchara Union in Teknaf Upazila. Fazlul Karim Riyad (35), Ridwan's elder brother, managed to escape from the abductors. The younger Ridwan is an employee at the brothers' shop.

Moshiur Rahman, in charge of the Baharchara Outpost, told Voice7 News about the ongoing rescue operation for the remaining two victims. He mentioned that the operation is being conducted with additional police forces.

Locals admitted Riyad to a hospital after he reached the nearest locality. He is currently receiving treatment at Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital.

Inspector Rahman confirmed that the police launched a rescue operation immediately, but as of 10:00 PM, they haven't been able to locate the two missing individuals. He stated that a pincer operation would be launched at night with additional police forces to rescue the victims.