Rajshahi, Oct 16 (V7N) – The body of Shakib Anjum, a student who died during the anti-discrimination movement in Rajshahi, was exhumed from the Tikapara cemetery on Wednesday morning, 72 days after his burial. The exhumation was carried out on the orders of the court, in the presence of Rajshahi Deputy Commissioner's Office Assistant Commissioner and Executive Magistrate Ayan Farhan Shams, along with the investigating officer, police officials, and the family members of the deceased.

Shakib Anjum, a private university student, was reportedly killed during a mass protest on August 5. However, due to a lack of proper police and medical presence, his body was buried without a formal autopsy. Following this oversight, the investigating officer of the case, Moshiar Rahman, OC of Rajshahi City Detective Police, sought a court order to exhume the body for a fair investigation. "The body was exhumed as per the court’s order and has been sent to Rajshahi Medical College Hospital for an autopsy," said Moshiar Rahman. After the post-mortem, the body will be reburied in the same cemetery later in the afternoon.

Shakib’s father, Mainul Haque, has filed a case against 342 leaders and activists of the Awami League, including AHM Khairuzzaman Liton, a member of the Awami League presidium and former mayor of Rajshahi City Corporation. Initially, the Boalia Model Police Station conducted the investigation, but the case was later handed over to the Detective Branch (DB) of Rajshahi for further investigation.

This exhumation marks a significant development in the pursuit of justice for Shakib Anjum’s family, as they await the findings of the autopsy and further investigations.