Coast Guard detained a smuggler with 1 lakh 5 thousand yaba from Teknaf Baharchara Jetty in Cox's Bazar Bangladesh. 

The detained person's name is Abul Kalam.

The Coast Guard confirmed this information in a notification on Friday (May 10).

According to the Coast Guard, after receiving information about the smuggling of a large consignment of drugs through Baharchara Jetty under Teknaf police station, an expeditionary team of the Coast Guard was stationed at different places of BaharcharaJetty in disguise at 3 pm. 

Later, at around 10 o'clock, when a suspicious person was signaled by a fishing boat coming from the sea at Baharchara Jetty in Sabrang Union, the Coast Guard members chased and arrested that person while trying to escape.

After searching the detained person, 1 lakh 5 thousand pieces of Yaba were seized from him. The seized Yaba and the detained person were handed over to Teknaf Model Police Station for further legal action.