In the third phase of the election of the upazila parishad in Pabna, elections were peacefully held using Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) in three upazilas on Wednesday (May 29).
In the election, Sohel Hasan Shahin was elected chairman of Pabna Sadar Upazila, Tanvir Islam of Atghoria Upazila, and Emadadul Haque Rana Sardar of Ishwardi Upazila in an uncontested manner.
After the voting and counting ended, the respective assistant returning officers of the upazilas announced the unofficial results on Wednesday night.
In the announced unofficial results of the 163 polling centers in Pabna Sadar Upazila, Sohel Hasan Shahin, the motorcycle symbol, received 65,766 votes and was elected chairman uncontestedly. His nearest competitor, Abu Sayed Khan, received 51,100 votes with the helicopter symbol. That means Sohel Hasan Shahin was elected with 14,666 more votes.
Among other candidates, Kamil Hossain Kap-Pirich received 41,134 votes, Alhaj Mosarraf Hossain Ghora received 40,119 votes, and Rafiqul Islam Ruman Anaras received 8,101 votes. The voter turnout in this upazila was 41.80%.
In Atghoria Upazila, among the unofficial results of the 45 polling centers, Tanvir Islam, the motorcycle symbol, received 40,559 votes and was elected chairman uncontestedly. His nearest competitor, Engineer Saiful Islam Kamal Ghora, received 34,767 votes with the horse symbol. That means Tanvir Islam received 5,792 more votes. The voter turnout in this upazila was 54.45%.
In Ishwardi Upazila, among the unofficial results of the 84 polling centers, Emadadul Haque Rana Sardar, the Anaras symbol, received 39,170 votes and was elected chairman uncontestedly. His nearest competitor, Abul Kalam Azad Mintu, received 37,230 votes with the motorcycle symbol. That means Emadadul Haque Rana Sardar received 1,940 more votes. The voter turnout in this upazila was 28.09%.
It is noteworthy that in these three upazilas of Pabna, there were 10 candidates for the chairman position, 23 for male vice-chairman, and 14 for female vice-chairman. Voting was conducted at 292 centers, and a total of 989,891 voters participated.