Traders in the capital city of Dhaka reported a significant surge in vegetable prices across kitchen markets due to the ongoing heatwave, which has led to decreased vegetable production and escalated production costs.

The heatwave sweeping over the country has impeded vegetable growth, resulting in reduced supply in the markets. Moreover, the drought-like conditions in many regions have caused substantial damage to summer vegetables, further exacerbating the supply shortage.

To mitigate the impact of the heatwave on vegetable crops, the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) recently issued recommendations advising farmers to provide 2-3 irrigations per week in farmlands.

In the past week, prices for various vegetables rose by Tk 10-20 per kilogram at both farm and wholesale levels due to the supply crunch. Aubergine prices surged by Tk 20-30 per kilogram, selling for Tk 60-80 per kilogram, while papaya prices increased by Tk 20 per kilogram, reaching Tk 50-60 per kilogram in the city markets.

Similarly, pointed gourd and okra prices rose by Tk 10-20 per kilogram, selling for Tk 60-80 per kilogram and Tk 60-70 per kilogram, respectively. Moringa and bitter gourd were priced at Tk 90-100 per kilogram on Friday.

Meanwhile, potato prices remained stable but high at Tk 55-60 per kilogram. Egg prices saw an increase of Tk 2 per "hali" (four pieces), selling for Tk 42-44 per hali on Friday.

Garlic prices surged by Tk 30-40 per kilogram, with the local variety retailing at Tk 170–200 per kilogram and the imported variety at Tk 220–240 per kilogram. Onion prices remained consistently high, with the local variety selling for Tk 60-70 per kilogram and the imported variety for Tk 60-75 per kilogram.

Overall, prices for most commodities, including rice, beef, and red lentils, remained elevated in the city.