The country's insurgents have reached the threshold of taking control of Myanmar's Rakhine state, which borders Bangladesh. Now it's just a matter of time. The Brotherhood Alliance, an alliance of three anti-junta armed groups in Myanmar, said the junta's army is losing the battle in Rakhine state.

Junta forces are losing control of army camps one by one, the Three Brotherhood Alliance said in a statement on Sunday night. The alliance claimed in the statement that the troops of the strategically important small and large camps will surrender to the rebels very soon.

With that, the Three Brotherhood Alliance also said that the soldiers of the camps have not yet surrendered; Arakan Army (AA) fighters continued to attack them. But the junta forces are also trying to build resistance. Trying to intercept the Arakan Army at various points.

In a statement, the Brotherhood Alliance claimed that the move by the junta was not good. To them, the way the junta forces are fighting and strategizing seems like they are losing the war. In the meantime, the rebels have removed the junta guards from the Bangladesh border.

The Rakhine-based media Narinjara News reported in a report on Monday that on February 16, Junta forces destroyed the Mae E Bridge near Tangup town through a mine attack. Two more bridges were blown up the next day. At that time, a local school and several other houses were damaged.

Earlier on February 12, troops destroyed the Min Chong (aka) Ah Myant Kayun Bridge entering Rakhine's capital, Sitteh. which is located near the Sitteh-Yangon highway. However, the bridges destroyed by the junta to protect themselves are very important for the transportation of people and goods, the Brotherhood Alliance said.

Meanwhile, the Arakan Army has launched a massive attack on the Bao Di Kon border post in the southern Maungdoo town of Rakhine State. The attack started last Thursday. Clashes started early that morning and lasted until 12 noon. The city shook with the sound of cannon fire and small arms fire.

Residents of several villages belonging to Maungdu town fled their homes due to the clashes. Families of members of the junta were evacuated by military helicopters from the town of Buthidaung in Rakhine state to Sittwe, the provincial capital, to minimize casualties.

Maungdu has about 10 military battalions and three police battalions, which are guarding their base in the Buthidang area. Junta family members have been transferred to the Taung naval base in Thit Po by navy ships from a jetty area in Kyau Kophiu town and Madai Island for fear of possible attacks.
