The ongoing conflict between the Arakan Army (AA) and the military junta in northern Rakhine State has intensified, with the insurgents reportedly advancing into the state capital of Sitthai. As the AA continues its push to control key areas in the region, clashes have erupted on the streets of Sitthai, prompting residents to flee for safety.

In response to the rebel advance, the military junta has taken defensive measures, including blowing up a bridge on the Yangon-Sitthai road to impede the AA's progress. Additionally, senior administrative officials have resigned, reflecting the escalating tensions and deteriorating security situation in the area.

Reports indicate that the AA has seized control of numerous junta bases, border outposts, and strategic locations in southern China, further complicating the situation. Meanwhile, neighboring Thailand has apprehended hundreds of Myanmar nationals attempting to flee the violence, highlighting the growing humanitarian crisis.

The influx of refugees fleeing Myanmar has surged following the junta's announcement of conscription laws targeting individuals aged 18 to 35. Fearing forced military service and escalating violence, many citizens are seeking refuge across the border in Thailand, despite the risks of illegal border crossings.

According to an organization assisting migrants in Thailand, over 100 individuals have been arrested at the border in the past five days alone, underscoring the urgency of the situation. The mass exodus reflects the widespread fear and uncertainty gripping Myanmar's population amidst the ongoing conflict and military crackdown.