West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of orchestrating unrest through the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) ahead of elections, likening their actions to playing a game of ludo with refugees.

Speaking at a government function in Banipur, North 24 Parganas district, Mamata criticized the timing of the CAA's implementation, questioning why it took so long since the law was passed in 2019. She expressed skepticism about the CAA's provisions, alleging that BJP's promises were akin to falsehoods.

Describing the CAA as a "Ludo game" by the BJP, Mamata warned of dire consequences for those affected, claiming that the law could render individuals stateless and lead to property confiscation and detention camp internment.

She raised concerns over the exclusion of Myanmar from the CAA's provisions, highlighting inconsistencies in the government's approach to citizenship based on religion. Mamata emphasized the need for humane treatment of refugees and criticized BJP's alleged targeting of Muslims and Christians.

Referring to the National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam, Mamata drew parallels to the CAA implementation, citing instances of exclusion and suicides among Bengali Hindus. She accused the BJP of harboring animosity towards Bengalis and alleged discrimination against the state.

Mamata called for the repeal of the CAA, pledging to protect citizens' rights and expressing willingness to sacrifice her life for the cause. She urged people to pray for relief during Ramadan and warned against divisive agendas aimed at Muslims and Christians.

The implementation of the CAA across India on Monday has reignited debate and controversy surrounding the law, which offers citizenship to non-Muslim migrants from neighboring countries. Mamata's vehement opposition underscores the deep-seated political divisions surrounding the contentious legislation, setting the stage for further confrontation between the ruling BJP and opposition parties ahead of elections.