The Arakan Army (AA) has declared victory in its three-month-long battle for control over the island city of Ramree in Myanmar's Rakhine State. Located in close proximity to China's Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Myanmar, the strategic significance of Ramree has heightened tensions in the region. Reports of the AA's occupation were confirmed by Myanmar media outlet Irrawaddy.

The Myanmar military junta, in collaboration with the Chinese government, had previously signed an agreement to develop a deep-sea port adjacent to Ramree as part of Beijing's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative. The junta had deployed a sizable military force to maintain control over Ramree, resorting to aerial and naval attacks in their bid to suppress the AA insurgency. Despite their efforts, they ultimately lost control of the city.

As of now, there has been no official statement from the Myanmar military regarding the fall of Ramree. However, the AA's track record of accurately claiming capture of various towns and regions lends credence to their latest assertion.

The battle for Ramree has left a trail of destruction in its wake, with hospitals, markets, schools, and religious institutions bearing the brunt of the conflict. The prolonged fighting has exacted a heavy toll on both civilians and combatants, further exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region.

The capture of Ramree by the AA underscores the group's growing influence and poses a significant challenge to the authority of the Myanmar military junta. With the conflict showing no signs of abating, the situation in Rakhine remains volatile, with implications extending beyond Myanmar's borders.