Dilip Ghosh, the central vice-president of India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), recently drew parallels between his role within the party and the cricketing prowess of Indian superstar Virat Kohli. In an interview with Indian newspaper Anandabazar ahead of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Ghosh reflected on BJP's rise to power in various states, including its significant gains in West Bengal.

As the former president of the BJP's West Bengal state branch, Ghosh highlighted his contribution to the party's success in the region during the last assembly elections. Drawing inspiration from Kohli's versatility in cricket, Ghosh likened himself to the cricketing maestro, suggesting that he played a pivotal role in leading BJP to victory, much like Kohli's leadership on the field.

Acknowledging the changing dynamics within the party, Ghosh expressed optimism about BJP's prospects in the upcoming elections, despite acknowledging a perceived decline in momentum. He emphasized the importance of maintaining trust and familiarity among party workers, underscoring the challenges of leadership transitions in politics.

Reflecting on BJP's performance in West Bengal, Ghosh remained confident in the party's ability to spring surprises in the Lok Sabha elections, despite facing a formidable political landscape. Notably, under Ghosh's leadership, BJP made significant strides in the state during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, securing a notable increase in seats compared to previous campaigns.

As BJP continues to navigate the complex political terrain of West Bengal and beyond, Ghosh's comparison to Virat Kohli serves as a testament to his leadership style and determination to steer the party towards further success in the upcoming electoral battles.