India has lodged a strong protest against Germany's comments regarding the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, terming them as interference in its internal affairs. According to a report by Hindustan Times on Saturday (March 23), India's Ministry of External Affairs summoned George Enzweiler, Deputy Chief of Mission of the German Embassy in India, to formally convey its protest.

The Ministry of External Affairs criticized the comments made by the spokesperson of the German Foreign Ministry, stating that they amounted to interference in India's internal matters. Enzweiler was seen leaving the Ministry of External Affairs in Delhi's South Block following the meeting.

In a statement issued after the meeting, India reiterated its commitment to maintaining a diplomatic process free from external influence. The Indian government emphasized the need for impartiality in diplomatic affairs, condemning any attempts at interference.

The protest from India comes in response to remarks made by the German Foreign Ministry, which expressed expectations for Kejriwal to receive a fair and unbiased trial, given India's democratic credentials. India's swift retaliation underscores its firm stance on maintaining sovereignty and autonomy in its internal affairs.