The Delhi High Court has deferred the hearing of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's case, rejecting his plea for a speedy trial. In a ruling on Saturday, the court stated that Kejriwal's application will be reviewed next Wednesday, denying his request for an expedited hearing. This decision comes amidst escalating tensions following Kejriwal's arrest in a Delhi Excise corruption case.

Kejriwal filed a petition on Saturday, challenging the legality of his arrest and subsequent custody. The Chief Minister had also sought an urgent hearing on Sunday. However, the High Court, as reported by Indian media outlet NDTV, declined the request, citing the upcoming weekend holiday and the closure of courts on Monday and Tuesday due to Dol and Holi festivities. The court clarified that Kejriwal's application would be heard upon the resumption of court proceedings on Wednesday.

Arrested on Thursday night in connection with the Delhi Excise corruption case, Kejriwal was remanded to Enforcement Directorate (ED) custody for seven days by a lower court on Friday. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) swiftly filed a petition in the Delhi High Court challenging both the arrest order and Kejriwal's detention.

Earlier attempts by Kejriwal to secure protection from the Delhi High Court were unsuccessful, leading to his arrest by the ED. Despite filing a case in the Supreme Court contesting the legality of the arrest, Kejriwal withdrew the petition before its scheduled hearing.

Meanwhile, AAP leaders have announced plans for protests across 70 Assembly constituencies in Delhi on Sunday, denouncing the Chief Minister's arrest. The move underscores the mounting political turmoil surrounding Kejriwal's detention and the broader implications for governance and dissent in the capital region.