Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a scathing attack on the Trinamool Congress (TMC), accusing them of corruption and mismanagement during their 13-year tenure in West Bengal. In a Bengali-language post on his social media account, Modi asserted that only the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) can fulfill the aspirations of the people in the state.

Modi's comments come ahead of his scheduled campaign rally in Jalpaiguri, where he aims to drum up support for BJP candidates. He highlighted the growing backing for the BJP among the populace, citing dissatisfaction with the governance of the TMC.

Meanwhile, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has challenged Modi's silence on issues concerning Jalpaiguri. Banerjee's remarks have stirred anticipation about Modi's response during his upcoming rally.

With all eyes on Modi's speech in Jalpaiguri, political observers are eager to hear his stance on the pressing issues facing West Bengal. Modi is expected to advocate for BJP candidates contesting in two Lok Sabha constituencies in North Bengal, signaling the party's aggressive push in the region.

Modi's frequent visits to West Bengal underscore BJP's concerted efforts to challenge the dominance of the TMC ahead of the polls. His vocal criticism of the TMC's rule reflects the intensifying electoral battle unfolding in the state.