In a surprising move, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has announced Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut as its candidate for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in India. However, Kangana's nomination has sparked controversy after opponents accused her of consuming beef in the past.

The Indian news media outlet, Times of India, reported this development on Monday (April 8). The allegation against Kangana comes at a time when India is highly sensitive about beef consumption, as cows are considered sacred by Hindus, the country's largest religious group. Some BJP politicians have been vigorously campaigning to ban cow slaughter in India.

Congress leader Vijay Waddetiwar alleged that Kangana had previously admitted to consuming beef and expressed a liking for it through social media posts. However, Kangana vehemently denied these accusations.

Taking to social media, Kangana refuted the allegations, stating, "I don't eat beef or any other type of red meat. It is shameful that completely baseless rumors are being spread about me. I have been advocating and promoting Yoga and Ayurvedic lifestyle for decades. Now this kind of trick won't spoil my image."

Furthermore, Kangana asserted her Hindu and vegetarian identity, stating, "My fans know me. I am a proud Hindu and vegetarian." These developments highlight the intersection of politics, religion, and personal identity in the Indian electoral landscape.