Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accused Pakistani leaders of hoping for the victory of the Congress party's 'Prince' in the upcoming Indian elections. Though not explicitly naming him, Modi referred to Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the Congress party, as the 'Prince' during a campaign rally in Palamau, Jharkhand state.

Modi's remarks, reported by The Hindu, underscored the need for a strong and stable government to ensure India's security and progress. He asserted that the current Modi government represents the pinnacle of strength and reliability.

Highlighting a shift in global perceptions, Modi contrasted the approach of previous Congress administrations, which sought international intervention in response to terrorist attacks, with the current situation where Pakistan is increasingly isolated and facing scrutiny on the world stage.

The remarks come amidst heightened political rhetoric as India gears up for elections, with Modi positioning his government as the guarantor of national security and prosperity. Meanwhile, opposition leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, are seeking to challenge Modi's leadership and policies.