India's Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Arvind Kejriwal received a triumphant reception upon his release from jail, staging a grand procession through the streets of Delhi on Friday night.

Thousands of supporters, waving blue-yellow party flags, thronged the streets to join Kejriwal as he rode in an open-top car, amidst chants and slogans filling the air.

Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, Kejriwal called for unity to safeguard the country from authoritarian rule, urging people to join hands in defense of democracy.

Kejriwal's release on interim bail comes after spending over a month and a half behind bars. He has been granted permission to participate in the ongoing election campaign, with a requirement to return to Tihar Jail after the Lok Sabha elections conclude on June 1.

The leader's arrest on March 21 by the Central Bureau of Investigation in a corruption case sparked widespread protests and controversy. However, his supporters celebrated his release with fireworks and sweets, marking the beginning of his renewed political activism ahead of the upcoming polls in Delhi and Punjab.

As Kejriwal embarks on his campaign trail, his return to the political arena is poised to inject fresh energy into the electoral landscape, setting the stage for a dynamic contest in the days to come.