Controversial writer and novelist Salman Rushdie has once again stirred debate with his recent comments at a literary festival in Germany. Rushdie warned that establishing a Palestinian state under current conditions would result in a regime akin to the Taliban. The British news outlet The Guardian reported on his remarks.

Speaking at the event, Rushdie drew parallels between Hamas, the governing body in Gaza, and the Taliban. He stated, "Creating a Palestinian state now would mean creating a state like the Taliban." Rushdie elaborated that while he has been a proponent of an independent Palestinian state since the 1980s, the current political landscape makes this vision problematic.

Rushdie expressed concerns that such a state would be heavily influenced by Iran and dominated by Hamas, which he believes would result in a repressive regime similar to that of the Taliban. He questioned whether Western progressive movements, which often advocate for a free Palestine, truly understand the implications of their support.

"Is this what the Western left-wing progressive movements want to create? Do they want to see another Taliban and another Ayatollah-like state right next to Israel in the Middle East?" he asked.

The Indian-born British-American author made these comments during a podcast hosted by German broadcaster Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg. Rushdie was promoting his new book "Knife," which details the 2022 knife attack on him in the United States.

Rushdie's remarks have added fuel to the ongoing debate about the future of Palestine and the role of Hamas in any potential statehood. His comparison of Hamas to the Taliban underscores the complexities and potential consequences of establishing a Palestinian state under the current geopolitical circumstances.