Southern Germany is grappling with severe flooding following several days of heavy rain, which has displaced over 600 people from their homes. The country's major rivers, including the Danube, Neckar, and Günz, have seen water levels rise to their highest in a century, according to reports from Deutsche Welle.

Numerous cities have experienced significant flooding, submerging roads and streets under the rising waters. Bavaria has been the hardest hit state, with thousands of residents stranded due to the floodwaters. Over 500 rescue workers are tirelessly working to evacuate affected individuals, though efforts are hindered by submerged roads. Helicopters have been deployed to assist in rescuing some residents.

The German Meteorological Department has warned that heavy rain is expected to continue for several more days, exacerbating the already dire situation. Authorities have declared a state of emergency in ten districts within Bavaria as they brace for further flooding and coordinate ongoing rescue and relief operations.