Mosul, June 30 2024 — Five large bombs have been found hidden within the walls of the historic al-Nuri mosque in Mosul, Iraq, according to a report by Qatar-based media outlet Al Jazeera. The explosives were concealed during the rule of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the region.

The al-Nuri mosque, known for its 12th-century leaning minaret, was destroyed by ISIL in 2017. Restoration efforts commenced in 2020. On Tuesday, local time, the United Nations agency overseeing the restoration discovered five large explosive devices inside the south wall of the prayer hall.

"These explosives were hidden inside specially constructed reconstructed walls," UNESCO stated on Saturday.

Iraqi authorities have since secured the area and assured that the situation is fully under control. One bomb has already been defused and removed, while the remaining devices, which are interconnected, are scheduled to be deactivated soon.