In the forthcoming Russian presidential elections, Vladimir Putin has formally registered as a contender. This revelation was confirmed on Monday by the nation's Election Commission. As a presidential candidate the EC registered Leonid Slutsky, a right-wing firebrand and Putin supporter.

Putin nominated himself and was registered as a presidential contender, according to the Russian Central Election Commission. Another contender in the polls is Putin supporter Slutsky. This election is being contested by no powerful opposing party.

The three days of March 15–17 will be dedicated to this election. However, many critical of the Kremlin cast doubt on the election's transparency. Putin has an almost 100% chance of winning the election because no other contender is as "popular" and "powerful" as him.

With the contentious 2020 constitutional amendments, Putin may be able to hold onto power until at least 2036. Putin, who is 71 years old, has been in charge of Russia since the start of the current century. He served four terms as president. He was prime minister for a brief period of time aside from this.