The country's prime minister's office condemned the invasion, saying the US government was lying about the airstrikes in Iraq.

Baghdad called Friday's attack a new aggression against Iraq's sovereignty.

The Iraqi Prime Minister Shia al-Sudani's office said in a statement that the Baghdad government knows nothing about the attack, and that the coordination the United States is talking about is a lie.

The statement also said that 16 people were killed and 25 wounded in Iraq by US airstrikes. Some of the casualties include civilians.

Noting that the security and stability of Iraq is at risk due to the deployment of US troops in the Middle East, the statement said that it is now justified in front of Iraq to get involved in regional and international conflicts.

Meanwhile, Iraqi military spokesman Yahya Rasool said in a separate statement that these airstrikes violated Iraq's sovereignty. undermined the Iraqi government's efforts and created a threat that could lead to dire consequences for Iraq and its neighboring regions.

Earlier on January 28, three US soldiers were killed and more than 40 soldiers were injured in a drone attack on a US military base in the northeastern region of Jordan near the border between Syria and Iraq.

After that, on Friday, the United States military attacked more than 85 locations in the Middle Eastern countries of Iraq and Syria. Among the 85 targets were four in Syria and three in Iraq.

After the attack, US President Joe Biden said, "Our response has begun today." It will continue at different times and places as we like.

Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza on October 7, there has been tremendous tension throughout the Middle East. Meanwhile, the US military has launched more than 160 strikes in Iraq, Syria and Jordan.