Beirut, August 22 – The Lebanese armed group Hezbollah has unveiled a massive underground military base, which has been described as a hidden city beneath the mountains. This secretive facility, named "Imad Four," is equipped with a vast array of military hardware, including armored personnel carriers (APCs), trucks, and an extensive arsenal of missiles and rockets of various ranges.

Hezbollah recently released a video showcasing the base, which highlights its formidable infrastructure. The video reveals that this underground base is designed to house and deploy a fleet of modern missiles, including long-range guided missiles, cruise missiles, and other advanced weaponry such as the Khyber and Fajr missiles. The base is strategically positioned to be ready for an immediate strike on any part of Israel.

The construction of this base is believed to follow the model of similar Iranian facilities, emphasizing deep underground bunkers to protect vital military assets. The Imad Four base is reportedly one of several such installations that Hezbollah has developed across the region, designed primarily for missile storage and launch.

Relations between Beirut and Tel Aviv have become increasingly tense, especially following Israel's recent incursion into Gaza. Hezbollah fighters have been engaged in continuous skirmishes with the Israeli military, and the existence of such a base underscores the group's preparedness for an extended conflict.

The release of the video appears to be a strategic move by Hezbollah to demonstrate its military capabilities and to send a message regarding its readiness to respond to Israeli actions. The full extent and operational capacity of the Imad Four base, along with other underground facilities, remain largely speculative, but the video has certainly intensified concerns in the region.