Eastern Europe, Sep 11 (V7N) – Tensions in Eastern Europe have escalated again with renewed counter-attacks between Ukraine and Russia, prompting new military preparations from both sides. In a significant show of strength, Russia has launched its largest naval exercise in modern history, named "Ocean-2024," which includes participation from its key ally, China.

The massive military drill, which officially began on Tuesday, will be conducted across several key regions, including the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean, Caspian, and Baltic Seas. According to reports from Iran Front Page, the exercise will evaluate the combat readiness and interoperability of the Russian Navy and Air Force.

In a video message announcing the launch of the exercise, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of being prepared for any potential military scenarios. He noted that the exercise would incorporate lessons learned from the ongoing conflict with Ukraine and would involve the use of high-precision weaponry.

"Russia must be ready for any eventuality," Putin said, adding that this exercise would test the coordination between various branches of the military. He also confirmed that representatives from 15 countries, including China, have been invited as observers.

The scale of the exercise is unprecedented, with over 400 warships, several submarines, support ships, around 120 aircraft, and more than 90,000 military personnel participating. Russian Defense Minister Andrey Belousov attended the opening ceremony alongside top military officials.

China, which maintains close military ties with Russia, has also sent a contingent to participate in the exercise. Admiral Alexander Moiseev, head of the Russian Navy, revealed that the Chinese People's Liberation Army contributed four warships and 15 aircraft to the drill.

This exercise underscores the growing military cooperation between Russia and China, as well as the increased tensions in Eastern Europe, with the conflict between Moscow and Kiev showing no signs of de-escalation.