Manjurul, a networking engineer, has achieved great success by growing strawberries needs his daughter.
Father began growing strawberries to satisfy his daughter's needs. With the domestic necessities met, Father has now ventured into business.

Father, has achieved great success by growing strawberries urged his daughter.

Manjurul Islam works as a networking engineer and is a resident of Jaipur village in Mujibnagar Upazila, Meherpur. He began growing strawberries at home after gathering ten seeds.

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He eventually achieved remarkable success from that pastime by growing strawberries on 1.5 bighas of land. Many locals now have jobs because of his initiative. Every day, several individuals of various ages labor on the land in two shifts. The strawberry garden adjacent to the residential house is a delightful place of employment for day laborers in the area.

The daughter urged her father to indulge in some strawberries, a strange fruit.

Despite being associated with frigid climates, strawberries are now well-known in Bangladesh because of the support they provide for small-scale growers. Growing popularity is strawberry farming because of the market's need, yield, and affordability.

Although they have been growing strawberries as a pastime in a tub at home or on rooftops, many individuals have started growing them commercially. Manjurul Islam is one of them. He had grown strawberries on his home roof on a modest scale in the past, but this year he planted 1.5 bigha of strawberries and saw remarkable results.

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Midway through November, Rajshahi planted strawberry seedlings that he had taken from tissue culture. Fruit gathering commenced on January 1st.

He has sold strawberry fruit for Tk 6 lakh and strawberry seeds for Tk 2 lakh thus far. From this land, he wants to sell additional strawberries for six lakh Taka.

Strawberry juice has a pleasing flavor, color, and aroma.

Every day, 70–80 kg of fruits are gathered. The fruit is being sold for between 800 and 1000 taka per kilogram. People are buying the fruit with great curiosity since it is cultivated entirely organically, he added. Up until March, the trees will consistently produce fruit. The nearby farmers are also interested in this crop because of the significant payoff in a short amount of time.

According to Hafizul, a local farmer, strawberry farming is the first in the district. The fruit is very appealing and delicious when eaten. a successful harvest. To heed the counsel of Manjurul Bhai, come here. I've decided to nurture this going forward.

Many locals now have jobs because of his initiative. Every day, several individuals of various ages labor on the land in two shifts.

I've been working here for three months, Ziaur Rahman stated as he stood in the strawberry field. great demand for a novel crop. Every morning and afternoon, pick this fruit. In addition to other work, I'm working here. We now work for a new company.

Grower Manjurul Islam stated that growing strawberries began as a pastime. Later, we harvested seedlings from Rajshahi tissue culture and planted strawberries on an acre and a half of land to carry out the cultivation economically.

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I have spent two and a half lakh Taka in total. I sold seedlings for almost two lakh Taka during this. The fruit worth six lakh Taka has been sold, expenditures excluded. There is still fruit in the field that may be sold for six lakh Taka.

According to Lamia, the daughter of Manjurul Islam, a strawberry farmer, this particular strawberry was grown for the first time in the area at our home. My neighbors and many of my friends stop over to check out our strawberry garden. This fruit is nutrient-dense.

Meherpur is a very affluent district in terms of agriculture, according to Meherpur Sadar Upazila Agriculture Officer Alamgir Hossain. Here, growers are producing unique and superior crops. As we say, astute farmers.

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Here, farmers have a strong interest in implementing innovative technology. In the same way, a farmer from Mujibnagar in the Meherpur district planted strawberries for the first time this year on 1.5 bighas of land.

This fruit is a highly valuable and nutritious crop. He has had success growing strawberries. He is also receiving a competitive price. It is hoped that witnessing this strawberry farming would encourage further farming in this area. Farmers are always advised by the agricultural department.


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