In a recent interview with Yemen's Al-Masira television channel, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Supreme Political Council of the Houthi Ansarullah movement, issued a stark warning to Saudi Arabia regarding potential airstrikes on Yemen.

Al-Houthi cautioned that if Saudi Arabia permits US warplanes to utilize its airspace to launch attacks on Yemen, then Yemen would retaliate by targeting Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.

The warning comes amidst escalating tensions in the region, with Yemen's Houthi movement expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and vowing to confront the United States, Britain, and Israel on their behalf.

Highlighting Yemen's support for the oppressed Palestinians, al-Houthi emphasized that the Houthis would stand against the United States, Britain, and Israel, asserting that they possess weapons capable of reaching the United States.

The statement follows a series of attacks by the Houthi Ansarullah movement on Israeli ships traversing the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea in protest of ongoing violence against Palestinians. The group has also targeted US and British vessels in response to their involvement in the conflict.

The Houthi-backed military previously declared Israel, as well as US and British ships in the Middle East, as legitimate targets in their struggle against oppression.

Over the past months, the Houthis have carried out numerous attacks on ships and installations linked to Israel and its allies, significantly disrupting operations in the region. The group's actions underscore the growing tensions and challenges facing the Middle East amid ongoing conflicts and geopolitical rivalries.