During a briefing on Friday (April 26), US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken issued a stern warning to China, threatening more extensive sanctions if it continues to provide military aid to Russia. Blinken, who is currently visiting China, accused Beijing of supplying various types of technology and parts to Moscow, which are allegedly used by Russia in its military sector, including in the ongoing aggression in Ukraine.

Blinken emphasized that if China does not change its policy on this issue, the United States will take stricter measures. He highlighted that Washington has already imposed sanctions on more than 100 Chinese companies and stands ready to take further actions against the country if necessary.

The US Secretary of State underscored the gravity of China's actions, stating that they pose the biggest threat to Europe's security since the Cold War, particularly concerning aid to Russia. Blinken noted that the US has already taken action against some Chinese entities involved in aiding Moscow and reiterated the intention to escalate measures if China does not alter its position. 

The remarks from Blinken signal heightened tensions between the US and China over their respective roles in global security dynamics, particularly in the context of ongoing conflicts such as the situation in Ukraine. As diplomatic discussions continue, the international community awaits further developments regarding potential sanctions and their implications for geopolitical relations.