In a sobering press conference held in Vienna, UNRWA Commissioner-General Filipe Lazzarini revealed shocking statistics regarding the toll of ongoing violence in the Palestinian Gaza Strip. According to Lazzarini, at least 182 staff members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) have lost their lives in the relentless aggression by occupying Israeli forces. Many others have been left injured and countless innocent civilians displaced.

Lazzarini highlighted the destruction wrought upon Gaza, disclosing that Israeli forces have decimated 160 UNRWA structures, which served as shelters for vulnerable Gazans fleeing their homes. Tragically, 400 individuals seeking refuge in these structures fell victim to the attacks.

The UNRWA Commissioner-General issued a fervent call for an impartial investigation into these egregious attacks, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability and justice for the victims. Additionally, he sounded the alarm regarding an imminent Israeli assault on Rafah, Gaza's southernmost city, heightening anxiety among the 1.5 million sheltering residents.

Expressing grave concern, Lazzarini underscored the lack of evacuation plans for civilians in Rafah, despite reports of an impending invasion. He urged swift action to safeguard innocent lives and prevent further bloodshed.

The dire situation in Gaza stems from escalating tensions that erupted on October 7th, when the Hamas government of Gaza initiated a significant military operation in Israel. In response, Israel launched airstrikes and ground attacks on Gaza, resulting in catastrophic loss of life and widespread devastation.

Tragically, the casualties continue to mount, with over 32,000 Palestinians killed, the majority of whom are women and children. Moreover, more than 80,000 individuals have sustained injuries, while hundreds of thousands remain missing.

Of particular concern is the targeting of workers and journalists from various international organizations, including the United Nations, underscoring the indiscriminate nature of the violence perpetrated against innocent Palestinians.

As the international community grapples with the escalating crisis, calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a lasting resolution to the conflict grow louder. The plight of the Palestinian people demands urgent attention and concerted efforts to address the root causes of their suffering.