In the latest escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces have killed 28 Palestinians and injured at least 51 others in the past 24 hours, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza. The casualties were confirmed by Al Jazeera, a Qatar-based media outlet, on Friday.

The Ministry of Health reported that the death toll in Gaza has now reached 34,596, with 77,816 people injured since the conflict began. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of Gazans remain missing, adding to the humanitarian crisis in the region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, often referred to as the "butcher of the Middle East," has further inflamed tensions by threatening to attack Rafah in Gaza. Speaking at a commemorative event for the occupying forces, Netanyahu vowed to take whatever measures necessary to defeat Israel's enemies, including escalating military action.

The recent surge in violence follows the Hamas government's military operation in Israel last October, prompting airstrikes and ground attacks from Israeli forces. The ongoing conflict has resulted in over 32,000 Palestinian deaths, predominantly women and children, and over 80,000 injuries. The toll on Gaza's infrastructure has been devastating, with 70 percent of it damaged or destroyed.

The United Nations has called for an immediate end to the genocide, highlighting that 85 percent of Gaza's population has been internally displaced. Urgent shortages of food, clean water, and medicine persist, posing a grave risk of famine for 2.2 million Gazans. The international community faces mounting pressure to provide swift relief and address the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza.


