The wave of anti-Israel protests that began in American universities has now reached Canada, with students across the country staging demonstrations and demanding the severance of financial ties with Israeli institutions.

Pro-Palestinian protests have erupted at several universities in Canada, including the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Ottawa. Hundreds of students pitched tents at these schools, calling for an end to all financial investments with Israel.

At the University of Toronto, around 100 protesters gathered in dozens of tents, demanding that the university dissociate itself from Israeli apartheid, occupation, and illegal settlements. They vowed to continue their protests until their demands are met.

University authorities confirmed that discussions were underway with the protesters and that the tents had not disrupted normal campus activities. However, student spokeswoman Sara Rasikh stated that they would remain in the camp until their demands were addressed.

In Quebec, Premier Francois Legault called for the dismantling of the McGill University camp, where more pro-Palestinian students had gathered. Despite requests for police intervention, law enforcement did not take action, stating that they were monitoring the situation and would only respond if it worsened.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau commented on the student protests, emphasizing that universities should be places of learning and freedom of expression. However, he expressed concern about the safety of Jewish students on campus, acknowledging that they currently do not feel safe.

The protests in Canada mirror those that began on April 18 in US college and university campuses, where students demanded the severance of ties with Israel-related institutions profiting from the conflict in Gaza. Clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups also erupted at the University of California earlier this week.