Tensions in the Middle East escalated as Houthi rebels claimed to have defeated the US Navy in the Red Sea and threatened to target Israeli ships in the Mediterranean. The group's assertions come amidst ongoing hostilities in the region, with Iran-backed proxy forces challenging the presence of both US and Israeli forces.

The Houthi rebels, based in Yemen, have been engaged in a prolonged conflict with the Saudi-led coalition and have frequently targeted US and Saudi vessels in the Red Sea. However, recent claims suggest a significant escalation in their capabilities and ambitions.

According to reports from the Houthi-controlled Saba news agency, the rebels announced their intention to extend their attacks to Israeli ships using drones and missiles. This announcement follows their purported success in driving US naval vessels out of the Red Sea.

Houthi military spokesman Yahya Sario declared that their attacks on Israeli ships would now extend to the Mediterranean Sea. The group alleges that their actions have forced the withdrawal of US naval assets from the region, signaling a significant blow to American military presence.

However, Yemeni experts have cast doubts on the feasibility of such threats, citing the need for sophisticated weaponry to target ships in the Mediterranean. Additionally, some experts speculate that the Houthis may be leveraging these claims to deflect attention from internal challenges, including financial strain and public discontent in areas under their control.

Since November, the Houthis have launched numerous ballistic missile and drone attacks on commercial and naval vessels in strategic waterways, including the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab Strait, and Gulf of Aden. They assert that these attacks are aimed at ending the blockade of the Gaza Strip and countering the presence of foreign forces in Yemeni waters.

The latest developments underscore the complex and volatile nature of the regional dynamics, with Iran-aligned factions seeking to challenge US and Israeli interests through asymmetrical warfare tactics. As tensions continue to simmer, the prospect of further escalation remains a cause for concern for regional stability and international security.