The North African nation of Bahamas has joined the ranks of countries officially recognizing Palestine as a state, marking a significant development in global diplomacy.

According to a report by Al Jazeera on Wednesday (May 8), the Bahamian Foreign Ministry released a statement confirming its recognition of Palestine. The announcement came as the Bahamas aligned itself with the 'Caribbean Community Consensus on this issue'.

In its statement, the Bahamian government cited its status as an independent nation since 1973 through an Act of Self-Determination. As such, the Bahamas affirmed its support for the Palestinian people's legal right to self-determination.

This decision follows a recent trend of countries extending recognition to Palestine, with Trinidad and Tobago announcing its official recognition last week. Additionally, several European Union nations are expected to follow suit by recognizing Palestine as an independent state by the end of the month.

The recognition by the Bahamas adds momentum to the global movement seeking to bolster Palestinian statehood and rights on the international stage.