Gaza, June 28 2024 – In a devastating escalation of violence, 47 Palestinians were killed and another 52 injured in the past 24 hours due to Israeli attacks in Gaza. The ongoing conflict has resulted in the deaths of 38,000 Palestinians since it began more than eight months ago.

UNICEF has reported that thousands of missing children's bodies lie under the rubble in Gaza. The United Nations further claims that an average of 10 children are being crippled daily due to the violence. 

The chief of UNRWA, Philip Lazzarini, provided a grim update on the child casualties in Gaza. He stated that at least 2,000 children have been maimed over the course of the 260-day conflict. Many injured children are undergoing surgeries under horrific conditions, sometimes even without anesthesia.

A recent report by Save the Children indicates that around 21,000 children are missing amid the ongoing violence. Of these, 17,000 are believed to be unaccompanied, and about 4,000 children are missing under the rubble. The report also highlights that many unaccounted children have been buried in mass graves.

Lazzarini warned that UNRWA is nearing a severe funding crisis, exacerbated by the relentless attacks. The organization currently faces a deficit of $14 million, which hampers its ability to provide essential aid and support to the affected population.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, with a significant toll on civilian lives, especially children. International organizations are calling for urgent action to address the crisis and provide the necessary support to those affected by the ongoing conflict.