The Lao government hosted the fourth National Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Responsible Agricultural Investment in Vientiane on August 29-30, marking a significant step in demonstrating its commitment to sustainable agricultural practices. This event, held as Laos prepares to assume the role of ASEAN Chair for 2024, brought together over 110 participants from government, the private sector, development agencies, and civil society, including 20 representatives from local governments. The dialogue emphasized regional collaboration and innovation in responsible investment.

Key sessions included plenary discussions, Masterclasses, and a dynamic World Café. One Masterclass focused on gender equality in land investments, revisiting the 2018 Gender Country Assessment and highlighting women's economic empowerment through initiatives like coffee production in Dak Cheung, Xekong province. These discussions aimed to foster collaboration and address critical challenges in Laos' agricultural and forestry sectors.

The Lao government, through its Investment Promotion Department and the Department of Agriculture Extension and Cooperatives (DAEC), reaffirmed its dedication to responsible agricultural investment. The government is advancing the recognition of customary land rights for rural communities and finalizing the nation’s first regulation on contract farming. This regulation seeks to create a more sustainable and equitable investment landscape.

Andreas Gerrits, Deputy Director of Cooperation at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), highlighted the importance of a multidimensional approach to responsible agricultural investment. SDC, a principal funder of the Mekong Region Land Governance (MRLG) and Transformative Land Investments (TLI) projects, is committed to fostering sustainable development in the region.

In her keynote speech, Ms. Souvanane Keothammavong, Head of Sustainability at Mekong Timber Plantations (MTP), emphasized the importance of aligning business practices with environmental, social, and governance standards. She called for government support in providing clearer land tenure security, explicit policies, effective incentives, and enhanced access to green finance.

Government officials, including Deputy Director General of the Investment Promotion Department, Ms. Thavichanh Thiengthepvongsa, and Deputy Director General of the Department of Agriculture Extension and Cooperatives, Dr. Phanxay Ingxay, called for unity in strengthening the national economy through collaboration with development partners, civil society, and the private sector.

As the ASEAN Chair, Laos has a unique opportunity to showcase its leadership in promoting responsible agricultural investment. The government's proactive measures underscore its commitment to creating a conducive environment for sustainable and equitable investments, ensuring that such investments benefit all people of Laos.

The event was organized by TLI, MRLG, and GIZ, and was hosted by the Investment Promotion Department, Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Department of Agricultural Extension and Cooperatives, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. The dialogue was funded by Switzerland through the SDC, with co-funding from the governments of Germany and Luxembourg.