Foreign Minister Dr. Hasan Mahmud has called for unified global action to halt Israel's actions amounting to genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

Speaking during an interview with TRT World in Turkey, where he is participating in the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Dr. Hasan emphasized the urgent need to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.

Dr. Hasan highlighted the alarming death toll among civilians, with over 30,000 people, predominantly women and children, killed in the conflict. He condemned Israel's violations of international norms and stressed the inadequacy of global efforts to stop the ongoing war and genocide.

Describing the Antalya Diplomacy Forum as a crucial platform for international dialogue, Dr. Hasan expressed hope that united voices could be raised to stop the atrocities and crimes against humanity in Gaza.

The Foreign Minister is scheduled to travel to Saudi Arabia to participate in an OIC event, where he plans to advocate for an end to the war in Gaza and hold Israel accountable for its actions.