Bhutanese King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck arrived in Dhaka for a four-day state visit, receiving a red carpet reception from the Bangladeshi government. President Mohammed Shahabuddin and First Lady Rebecca Sultana welcomed the royal delegation with a special flight landing at 10 am. The king was greeted with a state salute and guard of honor by the Bangladesh Armed Forces, followed by a visit to the Bangabandhu Memorial Museum to pay respects to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

During his visit, the king is scheduled to hold a delegation-level meeting with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and witness the signing of three new MoUs between Bangladesh and Bhutan, along with the renewal of an MoU on cultural exchange. Additionally, the king will visit significant landmarks such as the National Martyrs’ Memorial and the Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery.

The royal itinerary also includes visits to Bangabhaban, the Padma Bridge, and the Bangladesh Special Economic Zone. On Tuesday, President Shahabuddin will host an iftar and dinner reception in honor of the visiting royal.

Bhutan's King's visit underscores the close bilateral relations between the two countries, with discussions underway for potential economic collaboration, including the allocation of 190 acres of land in Kurigram for a special economic zone for Bhutanese investors. Talks also involve importing hydropower from Bhutan and Nepal, showcasing the depth of the multifaceted relationship between Bangladesh and Bhutan.