Foreign Minister and Awami League joint general secretary Hasan Mahmud criticized the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami, accusing them of aligning with Israel and remaining silent amid the killings in Gaza.

Speaking at an Iftar organized by Islamic Front Bangladesh, Hasan Mahmud condemned the lack of response from BNP and Jamaat regarding the deaths of over 32,000 individuals in Gaza, the majority of whom were children and women, at the hands of Israeli forces. He highlighted global protests against these killings and criticized the silence of BNP and Jamaat.

Hasan Mahmud emphasized that protests against Israeli actions have taken place worldwide, including in major cities like London, Washington, and Tel Aviv, yet BNP and Jamaat have refrained from condemning Israel. He attributed their silence to their desire for political power and reluctance to displease powerful entities.

Furthermore, Hasan Mahmud warned against violent actions, reminding BNP and Jamaat of their past involvement in arson attacks. He urged them to refrain from such activities, emphasizing that the people would hold them accountable.

During the event, Hasan Mahmud also praised Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for her government's efforts towards the welfare of Islam and the Muslim community, highlighting her contributions that surpass those of previous administrations.

The gathering included remarks from various members of the Islamic Front, including Chairman Allama Bahadur Shah Mojaddidi and Vice Chairman AAM Ekrmul Haque, among others.