President Joe Biden has nominated David S. Mel as the new ambassador of the United States to Bangladesh, according to a statement released by the White House on Thursday.

David S. Mel brings a wealth of diplomatic experience to this role, having previously served as the US Deputy Chief of Mission in Dhaka approximately a decade ago. Currently serving as Charge d'Affaires Interim at the US Embassy in Beijing, China, Mel has demonstrated a strong commitment to advancing US interests abroad.

In addition to his tenure in Bangladesh and China, Mel has held various positions within the US State Department, including Deputy Assistant Secretary for Trade Policy in the Bureau of Economic and Trade Affairs. His extensive diplomatic career also includes roles as Associate Dean of the School of Leadership and Management at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington, DC, and Economic Affairs Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Mel's diverse portfolio of diplomatic engagements spans across multiple regions, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Guinea, and Washington. With over three decades of experience in the Foreign Service, Mel has consistently demonstrated leadership and expertise in international affairs.

Pending confirmation by the US Senate, David S. Mel is poised to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the United States and Bangladesh, fostering cooperation and collaboration on shared priorities.