Dhaka, Aug 09 (V7N) - In a resolute address to the nation on Thursday, (Aug 08) Chief Adviser of Bangladesh’s newly established interim government, Prof Yunus, vowed to restore the lost glory of the country’s state institutions and ensure punishment for all crimes.

In his first televised speech following the swearing-in ceremony at Bangabhaban, Prof Yunus asserted that the crimes committed during the previous autocratic regime would not go unpunished. "Proper punishment will soon be meted out to those who, under the autocratic government, committed crimes as part of its various efforts… All crimes across sectors will be brought to justice," he declared.

He emphasized that this message applies to all ministries, agencies, educational institutions, and other sectors. Prof Yunus accused the ousted autocratic regime of maintaining its power by manipulating state institutions and vowed to undo the damage. "We will restore the lost glory of these institutions and thwart the efforts of the previous government," he pledged.

The Chief Adviser urged all members of state institutions to embrace this "second independence" by fulfilling their duties with dedication and raising the nation to a place of pride. "I call on everyone, on behalf of the nation, to step forward confidently in your workplaces, contributing with enthusiasm and joy," he said.

Prof Yunus, a Nobel laureate with global acclaim, paid tribute to the students who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and security of all citizens. He assured that the new interim government, born from a mass uprising, is a government for all citizens, ensuring that everyone can realize their aspirations.

In a powerful statement, the Chief Adviser warned against any attempts to spread anarchy. "The victorious students, along with the people and law enforcement agencies, will use all their strength to prevent any attempts to sow chaos," he said.

Prof Yunus concluded with a message of hope, noting that with the fall of the brutal autocratic regime, a new dawn on Friday would usher in an era where people, regardless of their political identity or opinion, can enjoy full freedom of expression without fear. "This government is committed to upholding democracy, justice, and human rights," he affirmed, urging all citizens to join in achieving this goal.

"The whole world is watching with admiration. Bravo Bangladesh, and bravo to the students of Bangladesh. We aim to build on this achievement and take it even further," Prof Yunus declared.