Dhaka, Sep 05 (V7N) — On the one-month anniversary of the fall of the Awami League government, Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chief Advisor of the Interim Government, issued a heartfelt message. He reflected on the sacrifices made by the students and the people during the revolution, which ultimately led to the fall of the 15-year regime of Sheikh Hasina.

In his message, Yunus expressed his commitment to building a new Bangladesh, inspired by the vision of the young revolutionaries. He acknowledged the sacrifices of the martyrs and vowed that their blood would not be shed in vain. The Chief Advisor emphasised the need for a well-educated and skilled generation to realise the benefits of the revolution, urging students to return to their studies now that schools and universities have reopened.

Yunus also touched upon the ongoing work of the interim government, including efforts to ensure justice for the victims of the July and August killings. The government has invited the UN Human Rights Office to conduct an independent investigation and is working to create an international tribunal to hold those responsible accountable. He further noted the government's commitment to the care and treatment of those injured during the revolution, including young students who lost their sight.

Professor Yunus called for unity and coordination as Bangladesh embarks on the journey of rebuilding. He assured the families of the martyrs that the nation would never betray their dreams, reaffirming his pledge to create the new Bangladesh they fought for.