Dhaka, Sept 6 (V7N): Muhammad Yunus, the chief adviser to Bangladesh’s interim government, has called for the revival of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc), emphasizing its potential to resolve many of the region’s challenges. In an interview with the Press Trust of India, Yunus noted that while Saarc was founded with a noble mission, it now exists in name only and is largely non-functional.

Yunus pointed out that the eight-member bloc, comprising Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, has been dormant for years. He expressed his hope to reignite cooperation among these nations by engaging with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the upcoming UN General Assembly in New York, where Modi is expected to speak on September 26.

“I will try to meet Prime Minister Modi and see if we can gather the heads of state of Saarc nations for a symbolic photo… We have forgotten the spirit of Saarc, and I am trying to revive it,” Yunus said.

The last Saarc summit, scheduled for 2016 in Islamabad, was canceled following the Uri terrorist attack in India, with Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Afghanistan also withdrawing.

Yunus compared the current stagnation of Saarc to the success of the European Union, citing the EU’s achievements through regional cooperation. He argued that even if political tensions between countries like India and Pakistan persist, Saarc should continue functioning.

Regarding the Rohingya crisis, Yunus said Bangladesh urgently needs India’s support to convince Myanmar to repatriate the displaced Rohingya population. He also stressed the importance of China’s involvement in resolving the issue, given the strain the crisis has placed on Bangladesh’s economy.

“We need India and China’s help to manage this crisis. Nearly one million Rohingya refugees are now in Bangladesh, putting immense pressure on our economy. While some countries have accepted them in small numbers, we need India's diplomatic leverage with Myanmar to encourage repatriation,” Yunus added.